Planning Teams

  • Assisting Ministers

    Resurrection Lutheran puts into practice Martin Luther's concept of "the priesthood of all believers" by offering the opportunity, for those who feel called, to serve as Assisting Ministers in our worship.

    Worship is the one activity we do as a whole congregational family. In fact, it is the reason we formed a congregation. Each and all of us are called to actively worship our God, and some are moved to offer that gift in a leadership role. Currently we have nearly 40 confirmed members who serve as assisting ministers, organized in teams and scheduled. Our Cantor leads us in the sung liturgy. Our Liturgists write and offer the Prayers of Intercession. The Lectors proclaim the Word. Two more Assisting Ministers complete the team to serve the Lord's Supper.

    Key words for this ministry are:

    • Invitational—everything we do invites participation
    • Hospitable—we welcome all to our worship
    • Joyful participation—we take pleasure in serving both God and our congregation
    • Preparedness—we are dedicated, study the lessons and know what is expected
    • Reverence—in the presence of the Lord God

    Being an Assisting Minister requires some training and weekly preparation through prayer and study, and offers deep satisfaction and joy for those called.

    Contact Lynn Waterman.

  • Altar Guild

    Do you ever notice the changes in the altar area of the church? The changes are made to make your worship richer and deeper. Thanks to the Altar Guild, the stage for worship is always current and appropriate.

    Following manuals from the ELCA and input by the pastors, the Altar Guild changes the paraments - the altar, pulpit and lectern linens - to fit the seasons of the church year. For example, black for Good Friday, white for Easter, and green for non-festival times of the year. Red, blue, and purple paraments are also used at their appropriate times. They are meticulously displayed, along with the white fair linen (covering the top of the altar) to help us focus our worship, whether we use the main altar or the chapel.

    Besides changing the paraments, the Altar Guild also prepares the elements for Holy Communion. This includes filling of disposable communion glasses, keeping the other communion vessels clean, cleaning up after each communion service and storing the elements back in the Sacristy room. They also maintain the Eternal Flame candle displayed on the altar.

    The Altar Guild also manages the other decorations of the chancel area, such as the flowers. Other worship aids, such as the Advent Wreath, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations, are also handled by the Guild.

    Contact Jan Frum.

  • Ushers

    The prime duty of the usher is to welcome members and newcomers alike to our worship service. As they hand bulletins to those arriving, they smile and offer greetings. Even though there may be a team of "greeters" at the front door, they are able to offer another warm welcome and offer to assist with any questions or difficulties the worshiper may have.

    The second major duty of the usher is to facilitate our worship service so it functions smoothly. The duties include: adjusting the lighting, recording attendance, gathering the offering, directing the flow to and from the communion area, assisting worshipers after the service, and cleanup after the service. They will also act in a stewardship capacity in the event of an emergency.

    Contact: Craig Hildebrand         

  • Flower Ministry

    Every Sunday we have beautiful flowers in our sanctuary. Everyone is welcome to share in the flower ministry. A floral arrangement will be ordered for you from Plano Florist (phone number 972-599-0086).

    You may take the flowers with you after the last service, or leave them to be taken to someone who will enjoy them during the week. If you would like to sponsor a flower arrangement as a celebration of an event, to give the glory of God, to honor someone, or in memory of a loved one, the cost is $55 payable to Resurrection Lutheran Church. 

    You can pay for your flowers via mailed check, online, or in the collection plate at church. The dedication of the flowers will be listed in the Sunday bulletin.

    The flower chart is posted online. For more information or to request an arrangement after the regular sign-up period, contact Jan Frum or the church office.