Fellowship Opportunities

  • Sunday Morning Fellowship

    All are invited to enjoy coffee and treats after the worship service.  Grab your goodies in the kitchen before heading off to class or hang out to chit-chat with friends both old and new!  Hosts provide refreshments of their choice and handle setup/cleanup – sign up here to volunteer!

  • Guys' Night Out

    The men of the church gather the last Thursday of each month for an evening of fellowship, food and spirits! A different local restaurant is chosen each month. This is a great opportunity to fill your belly and to make some great friends!

    Contact Craig Feronti for this month's location or for more information

  • Primetimers

    Primetimers is a group for retired members of RLC and their friends. They usually meet at 11:30 am on the second Wednesday of each month at Norma's Cafe, 605 W 15th Street in Plano. Meetings consist of fellowship and the sharing of a meal. Sometimes, a program consists of a speaker, travelogue or musical program, or  games or cards are played. The average attendance for the meetings is 25. All seniors are invited to join the group for fun, food and fellowship.

    Contact Rosanne Fisher for more information or to RSVP

  • R&R

    R&R is an adult fellowship time hosted by various folks at their homes. We gather at 5:30pm. Hosts provides napkins, dishes, utensils and water. We who come bring simple food—finger food, appetizers, whatever you like to make (we don’t eat as much as we used to!)—and your favorite beverage. We talk and laugh and share stories and eat and drink and catch up and meet new friends. Sometimes there are 12, sometimes there are 30! Always fun!  

    Contact the Coordinator HERE