Check out these other great organizations that we are proud to be associated with.
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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)is one of the largest protestant denominations in North America with over 3 million members. Resurrection Lutheran is a member of the ELCA.
If you would like to explore how you might support this wider expression of the church, click HERE.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone
The Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone is the Companion Synod for the NTNL. This Church, on the west coast of Africa, seeks to reach out with God’s Word to all peoples, replace false teachings with Jesus’ truth, bring physical, psychological, social and political relief to all the needy, speak out and stand against oppression, and fight for justice to foster holistic approach in the teaching and the practice of the Gospel.
Lutheran World Relief
Affirming God's love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering.
NTNL Mission Endowment Fund
The NT-NL Mission Endowment Fund seeks to support mission projects in the Northern Texas–Northern Louisiana Mission Area. It works much like a foundation: an endowment fund serves as its core; the principal is invested and only the income from the investment is expended annually to benefit special causes that might otherwise go unfunded and unrealized.